10 Things to Do Today to Prevent Vision Loss From Glaucoma

The crucial connection between the eye and the brain, the optic nerve, is gradually harmed by glaucoma. Typically, glaucoma patients have vision loss prior to any eye issues. However, many people do not even notice they have glaucoma. Primary open-angle glaucoma is the most prevalent form of the disease. When eye fluid known as aqueous…

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Why Pigmentary Glaucoma Needs To Be Treated?

A condition known as glaucoma affects the optic nerve permanently and eventually leads to “Tunnel Vision.” Glaucoma is brought on by an increase in ocular pressure brought on by the drainage channel’s obstruction. A kind of secondary open-angle glaucoma known as pigmentary glaucoma is characterised by pigment that leaks from the iris and obstructs the…

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Can Uveitis Cause Glaucoma?

Is there a link between uveitis and glaucoma? Uveitis is inflammation inside the eye which can happen in any portion of the eye. This means that inflammation can be present in either the front of the eye or the back of the eye or in both the front as well as the back of the…

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Is trabeculectomy a safe and proven surgical procedure for glaucoma?

Trabeculectomy is a specific type of surgery that is performed to treat open-angle glaucoma. It is usually done in a hospital and often takes less than an hour.  The procedure can be done in local or general anesthesia dependent on the specific needs of the patient. A glaucoma surgeon will often create a very small opening in…

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