Pellucid Marginal Degeneration (PMD) is a chronic, slowly progressing condition that causes peripheral corneal thinning. The cornea is the dome shaped, transparent window in the front of the eye. It is crucial to recognise PMD because it may result in a serious decline in visual function. Additionally, refractive surgery patients with PMD may experience negative…
Read MoreIndividuals with high refractive errors often have difficulty while swimming. Some may opt to wear contact lenses during swimming. However, wearing contacts, while swimming, can be dangerous. Although it is not advisable to expose contact lenses to any sort of water, swimming carries even a greater risk due to the prolonged exposure. Potential germs, viruses,…
Read MoreFollowing gunshot wounds to the globe, the visual prognosis is dependent on a number of important aspects. In these circumstances, the ocular trauma score (OTS), which was developed to assist in predicting visual acuity outcomes following ocular trauma, is helpful but not totally accurate. The location of the exit wound, concomitant optic nerve injury, accompanying…
Read MoreOzurdex, is an implant containing the corticosteroid dexamethasone. It is injected into the eye by an ophthalmologist to treat macular edema and posterior uveitis. Macular edema is the swelling of the center of the retina (the light-sensing layer at the back of the eye). It may occur as a consequence of blockage of the veins…
Read MoreRETINITIS PIGMENTOSA Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a hereditary condition that affects the retina (the light-sensitive layer of tissue in the back of the eye). RP causes the retinal cells to gradually deteriorate over time, resulting in visual loss. Unfortunately, RP has no treatment options. However, people with RP can make the most of their vision…
Read MoreShingles is a viral infection caused by varicella-zoster. It is a painful viral rash that appears on one side of the face or body. The rash consists of blisters that normally form in 7–10 days and scab over, before clearing up completely in 2–4 weeks. Rarely, the rash may be more extensive and resemble a…
Read MoreEye Problems due to Dengue while rare, can cause certain mild and some serious eye conditions. Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage, macular chorioretinitis, macular oedema, dengue related optic neuritis, retinal haemorrhage, vitritis, and anterior uveitis have all been reported with Dengue. Let us discuss these in a bit of detail. Subconjunctival haemorrhage: The conjunctiva is a mucous membrane that…
Read MoreUveitis, if not treated promptly, can cause major eye issues. The likelihood of experiencing these issues increase if uveitis is long standing or in individuals older than 60 years of age. The eye becomes inflamed because of the illness which can cause tissues to scar or break down if not treated. Thus, resulting in impaired…
Read MoreThere are numerous factors that interrupt the normal tear film and result in dry eyes. Fatty oils, watery fluid, and mucus are the three layers that make up your natural tear film. The natural tear fil mis meant to lubricate and protect the eye. This mixture of oils, water and mucus maintains the lubricated, clear,…
Read MoreCan Dengue Lead To Eye Problems: Eye Problems due to Dengue while rare, can cause certain mild and some serious eye conditions. Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage, macular chorioretinitis, macular oedema, dengue related optic neuritis, retinal haemorrhage, vitritis, and anterior uveitis have all been reported with Dengue. Let us discuss these in a bit of detail. Subconjunctival haemorrhage: The…
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