A more recent kind of laser refractive surgery is known as small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE). This type of surgery uses a laser to treat astigmatism and myopia (nearsightedness) (irregularly shaped cornea). Light rays must pass through your cornea and lens in order for you to see clearly. The light is refracted (bent) by the…
Read MorePosterior Subcapsular Cataract is a type of cataract, where in, there is opacification in the posterior or back portion of the crystalline lens. This type of cataract can occur alone or in combination with other types of cataracts as well. But the primary occurrence posterior Subcapsular cataract per se is less. Posterior Subcapsular cataract can cause…
Read MoreBest disease, often referred to as vitelliform macular dystrophy, is a retinal condition that results in macular degeneration. The thin tissue that lines the back of the eye is called the retina. Light is converted into electrical signals by rod and cone photoreceptors in the retina, which the brain interprets as vision. Best disease is…
Read MoreThe failure to maintain binocular function (keeping the two eyes working together) while workingup close is known as convergence insufficiency. When focused on a word or object at a closedistance, one eye will frequently turn outward (intermittent exotropia).Headaches when reading and diplopia (double vision) are signs of convergence insufficiency. Manypatients will lament their inability to…
Read MoreThe endothelium layer of the cornea is affected by the non-inflammatory, sporadic or autosomal dominant Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy. The cornea thickens and accumulates guttae over many years, resulting in glare, haloes, and decreased visual acuity. In Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy, the cornea can sustain damage so severe that it may result in corneal blindness. Smoking and…
Read MoreAge-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye condition that causes central vision to become blurry. It occurs when the macula, the area of the eye that regulates precise, straight-ahead vision, suffers damage with age. the macula is the central portion of the retina which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Age-related…
Read MoreTrichiasis is a common problem with the eyelids. Eyelashes grow inward. The lashes rubagainst the cornea, the conjunctiva, and the inner surface of the eyelids. This irritates theeye.Trichiasis can occur occasionally with no known cause. Trichiasis can strike anyone,however, adults are more prone to it. Trichiasis is more likely to occur if you have certainhealth issues,…
Read MoreCongenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction refers to the obstruction to the passage of tears since birth. The tears that are produced in the eye are often emptied through a tube and into the nose. However, in this circumstance, this tube becomes blocked, which results in eye watering. About 2–4% of all newborn…
Read MoreA coloboma in the eye is known as the region where tissue is missing. A person’s eye has colobomas when they are born. One or both of your eyes may be affected. The colobomas that are most well-known and frequent impact the iris (the colored tissue of the eye) and give your pupil a keyhole…
Read MoreA series of blood abnormalities that result in the breakdown and misformation of red blood cells, is sickle cell disease. Sickle cell retinpathy occurs when the sickle shaped red blood cells obstructs the blood arteries in the choroid, a thin layer of tissue that is a portion of the middle layer of the wall of…
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