
The brand name for the prescription medication bimatoprost ophthalmic solution is Latisse. Applying this solution to the upper lash line will help your eyelashes seem better over time by causing them to get longer, thicker, and darker. The original usage of this exact bimatoprost solution was as a glaucoma medication (with the brand name Lumigan).…

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Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

When blood does not flow properly to the optic nerve in your eye, it eventually results in permanent damage to the nerve. This condition is called ischemic optic neuropathy (ION). One or both of your eyes may suddenly lose their ability to see when you have ION. Your eyes send information to your brain via…

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How to Prevent Tired Eyes- Eye Strain

When you spend long hours working on the computer, reading a book or driving, you may experience what some would call eye strain. The condition of eye strain is more of a symptom. Individuals have various ways of using the phrase. When someone says their eyes are tired or watery, another person may indicate they have…

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Convergence Insufficiency

The eyes do not converge adequately for close vision when there is convergence insufficiency. When we read, our binocular function both eyes working together is compromised. While reading, one or both eyes may tilt outward. This makes it challenging to read or use a computer. Convergence insufficiency can occur in anyone, but children and young…

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Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Some individuals who lose all or part of their vision may develop Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS). They experience visual hallucinations as a result, seeing things that are not actually there. According to a recent study, this syndrome is unexpectedly widespread among persons who have specific kinds of vision loss. Visual hallucinations are the primary symptom…

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Yellow growths on or near the eyelids are known as xanthelasma. They could be level or a little elevated. They develop as cholesterol (also known as lipid or fat) deposits accumulate beneath the skin. Xanthelasma are harmless in and of themselves, however they can be a symptom of heart disease.Some people believe that xanthelasma is…

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Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency occurs when your body does not receive enough vitamin A to maintain health. Blindness and vision loss can result from a vitamin A deficiency. Additionally, it may result in troubles with your immune system, tissues, skin, heart, lungs, and skin.Vitamin A deficiency occurs when you don’t get enough vitamin A in your…

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A persistent inflammatory condition called sarcoidosis can harm one or more body organs and tissues. Granulomas, or clusters of inflammatory immune cells, are present in the organs and tissues that are afflicted. This causes further inflammation, with swelling leading to tissue damage and preventing organs from working as they should Sarcoidosis, also known as ocular…

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Things to consider if you have been advised eye surgery.

Eye surgery can be a nerve-wracking experience for many patients, but it is important to remember that it is a routine procedure that is performed every day with great success. Whether you are undergoing cataract surgery, LASIK, or any other type of eye surgery, here are some comforting words to ease your anxiety and help…

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